
Unthu MathakaLirran in English Translation

Unthu MathakaLirran in English Translation
Thiruppavai Pasuram - 18 English Translation Text, Lyrics

Oh daughter-in-law of King Nandagopa , who has the proud gait of elephants  and who is known for His valiant  shoulders with invincible strength ( that he would  never leave a battle field without victory).  Oh Nappinnai with enchanting fragrant black tresses !  Kindly unlock Your door. Hearken , the cocks have awakened now everywhere and are making lound noises. Hearken, even  the group of cuckoos , sitting on the bower of Maadhavi (Kurukkatthi) flowers , have cooed gently many times.  Oh Young Lady holding the sporting ball with Your fingers   as BhOgOpakaraNam ! As we wish to sing about Your Lord's  names , please come with joy and open the door with Your  red lotus-like soft hands , which create a plesant sound  (sunAdham)from the movement of Your bracelets adorning  Your forearms .(This is the famous Paasuram associated  with Acharya Raam anuja's swoon , when he identified  Athtuzhai , the daughter of his Acharyan , with Nappinnai , when she(Atthuzhai) opened the door of her house with  jangling bangles to offer Bikshai to RamanujA ).

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